Valentine’s Day Movies


Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you spend this evening on a hot date, curled up on your sofa with wine and ice cream or tutting at your social media at how a commercialised 'holiday' is taking over peoples lives, this week is a perfect week for sitting back with a rom-com. Mindless, feel-good entertainment, often they're films everyone adores, but refuses to admit this is the case.

For me When Harry Met Sally takes the cake as my favourite rom-com. A recent discovery, I ended up watching it for the first time after my What's In A Fave? post, as that had kicked off a discussion on my drama teacher's favourite film; so when it popped up on my Netflix recommendations I finally moved it from the 'I'll watch this at some point' list it had been stuck on for the past few years - I'd heard a lot about it, the infamous fake orgasm scene had a reputation as a classic movie scene. From the beginning of the film I was really engrossed and it turned into such a lovely, heart-warming film that is my go-to film for whenever I'm feeling sad, ill or need some background noise for cleaning my room or studying. It's a really easy to watch film and is slowly creeping up to my list of all time favourite films.

I reached out to my valentines and asked them what their favourite rom-com's are, and here is what I got back:

How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - "I'm a hopeless romantic, I love that the boy always gets the girl; that an apology fixes everything - it sets up the unrealistic goals of what every stereotypical girl wants and expects a man to be"

Cleo 5 Till 7 - "It shows the whimsical nature of love, conforming to the ideals and eventual acceptance and love of ones self"

Love Actually - "It's Christmassy but not too Christmassy, it's absolutely hilarious and has the perfect balance of emotion vs emotion" "The cast are amazing, its such a great mix of characters and it's really funny too"

Bridget Jones's Diary - "They're really funny... normally rom-coms aren't my thing but this series is my guilty pleasure favourite"

Love, Rosie - "I love Lily Collins and Sam Claflin, they have amazing chemistry. I adored the story and that she achieved her dream of owning a hotel without a man, without her dad and a child she had when she was just a child herself"

La La Land - "It's a very stereotypical love story but is filmed in such a way that's so seamless - you don't really know what could happen next (and the fact that it's a musical, which puts it high in my books)"

The Holiday - "It's a funny, Christmassy, 'forget the world for a while' type of film"

Mamma Mia - "The cinematography is so colourful, it makes my heart happy and has such nostalgic vibes"

P.S. I Love You - "It's the first rom-com I ever watched with my mum, I've grown so attached to the characters and I cry every time"

Best Wishes, 
Mel // Film For Thought

Thanks to Sarah, Rebecca, Lottie, Harry, Vicky, Megan, Annie, Sharon, Hannah and Maia for contributing to this post!


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